For each order, you can see order details and shipment summary. The shipment information includes a tracking number for each package, which you can click to see the progress of your package.
In most cases, the shipping carrier is identified as the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), United Postal Service (UPS), or Federal Express (FedEx)
In some cases, we may send an order in multiple packages. When we do, we provide tracking information for all packages, as well as details on which items you can expect in which package. You are charged only once if we choose to send your order in more than one package.
Exotic Fantasy is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages. Please contact local carrier
We stand behind everything we sell. If you are not satisfied with your online purchase, due to defective issues you can exchange any item during the first 7 days of ownership. Our customer service representatives will work with you to find the best solution for your situation by replacing the original item or providing a store credit the same value of your purchase. NO REFUNDS!!
To use our guarantee program Click Here to Contact Customer Service. All product returns require a Return Merchandise Authorization, (RMA) number. Customer service representatives will provide shipping instructions. Do not repackage the order and return it to the "shipped from" address. Your exachange will be processed as soon as your items are received. Customer is responsible for return shipping cost.